Sunday, 4 March 2012

Why stick to what you know?

       An observation to which I often conform is sticking to what you know………I would say I am a BBC1, BBC3 ITV1, ITV2 and Channel 4 fan, and I tend not to stray to other channels ……….Until recently, there is so much great TV on other channels that only in the past few months I have noticed and so why stick to what you know? The great example of this is Channel 5, I will be the first to admit I steered clear of Channel 5, for no real reason that is until they made the strategic move of buying Big Brother and putting their upcoming great program adverts on in the break…….. Celebrity wedding planner and My Secret Past were huge ratings winners, earlier this week I went to a talk by one of the commissioning editors of Channel 5, where he discussed the wonders of the channel in particular it factual winners. I loved both Celebrity Wedding Planners and I am always a fan of formats like My Secret Past, which if you didn’t see it involved 3 celebrities looking at problems they had when they were teenagers and they met teenagers now struggling with similar problems.  It was very insightful and made me and hopefully everyone else who sticks to their favorite channels think outside the box. 

      Last week I said that working at the BBC was my dream career I have thought about this over the week and I have decided perhaps I was a little hasty with this wish………admittedly the BBC does make some great programs and yes what the children’s department produces is of such a high standard.  But it is not the only great broadcaster there are some amazing independents and other great channels. 

I have always watched and loved Coronation Street, but since moving to Manchester, I have realised just how great it is. The camera angles are believable the characters are great and the scripting often hilarious.
It has always been my favorite soap and I would often find myself watching each episode at least twice a week just to make sure I didn’t miss any of it….  But over the last few weeks I have started to notice the comedy in it! The Steve and Tracey story line has me in stiches, along with Gayle and Audrey power walking into Lewis which was better than any comedy sketch..,. I am eagerly awaiting Franks exit storyline with so much speculation about who did it? Who really did do it?

Coronation Street is moving, and next year it will no longer to filmed from its home at Granada just outside Manchester City Centre they are rebuilding the street at Media City- Salford Quays but this time its bigger.
Due to High Definition filming the street the currently is not full size, will have to be built that little bit bigger as HD holds no prisoners.

The new site of the street and the building progress so far.

I have recently got into, BBC 1’s Prisioner’s Wives, which quite frankly it blew my mind, I had seen the adverts and thought that looks good I must remember to watch that………but I forgot, fortunately the internet saved me and I managed to catch up with episode 1-4 back to back it really was that good. They are online until the 13th of March……. I was at first a bit dubious to watch a drama about a bunch of prisoners wives….. but alas this was the wrong judgment. Each episode focuses on one particular wife, the group meet whilst visiting their beloved, jailed, husbands, boyfriends and children. The scripting is amazing and really captures presumably the fears of the visitors, not only explaining the challenges they face whilst waiting for release day but also how they cope.

This weeks highlights

  1. Coronation Street; Monday 7:30 and 8:30 pm Franks murder.
  2.  My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding- Tuesday 9 pm Channel 4- Following travelers preparing for their wedding and other parties that need the great gypsy outfits.
  3. My Life: Boxing girls. Wednesday 4:30 CBBC on BBC1 documentary series about group of boxing girls told from their point of view.
  4. Gok Wan- Made in China- Wednesday 8pm Channel 4, Gok Travels to China to find out how the country can produce the clothes we rely on buying cheaply. 
  5. Benidorm: Friday 9pm ITV1- brilliant drama series and more holiday antics from Brits abroad.

1 comment:

  1. As I very rarely buy any papers or magazines, I miss out on the tv listings, and what's new on the tv. So, for me, this blog will hopefully proove quite a useful tool to inform me about the highlights for the week to come.
    I also have found that I tend to stick to certain tv channels and I hardly ever watch anything on channel 5, however having read your blog I think I might have a cheeky watch of the things you suggest!!
